Cooler days of fall are now upon us and the warm kitchen fires once again start burning, which inspires us to search for new recipes to tantalize the palate. NOVO’s draw prize for October was  a $50 “Spicy” gift basket of Epicure Spices.

Congratulations go out to Edith, who was thrilled with the delectable selection of spices to experiment with!!

In today’s rushed times, it often feels like the cook is on vacation, in part, thanks to fast and easy meal solutions ready in 20 minutes or less. As the processed food industry has grown, so have food-related illnesses like obesity and diabetes that now face our next generation in alarming numbers.

Sylvie Rochette founded Epicure in 1997 with a passion to share the clean eating solutions she had created for her family. Today, Sylvie and her daughter, CEO Amelia Warren, are uniting time-starved families that want to reconnect across the table to share good food, eat healthier, and live better.

Epicure, is a community that unites and inspires each other to rally around clean eating and is dedicated to sharing delicious meal solutions that use only real, whole ingredients you can trust, while never ever compromising on taste.

The Epicure team educates and inspires their community with a three-course solution—for themselves, their children, and our planet. Their mission is to take back our health and change the course of our next generation’s health and relationship with food.


Do you know what’s in your food?

Epicure’s Good Food Mission is to put good food, made with clean ingredients, on everyone’s table—because we all deserve to eat better, live better, and be healthy.

  • Know where your food comes from and what’s in it.
  • Cook with whole, natural ingredients.
  • Limit processed food.
  • Be sugar, fat, and salt conscious.
  • Never compromise on taste

Why Non-GMO?

Food produced from genetically modified organisms (GMOs) have had their DNA artificially modified through methods that could never occur in nature. Studies connect GMOs to health problems and environmental damage. In fact, most developed nations consider GMOs to be unsafe. That’s why more than 65% of Epicure products are Non-GMO Project Verified—and the list is GROWING. Epicure is a trailblazer in the Direct Sales Industry as one of the first companies to register with the project. Visit to learn more.

Concerned About Irradiated Foods?

Irradiated foods are treated with high doses of ionizing radiation to kill pathogens and extend shelf-life. There is disagreement in the food science community as to how irradiation affects the safety and wholesomeness of food. Some studies point to serious health consequences, and that’s why Epicure only sources non-irradiated ingredients.

The Facts:

  • 1 in 2 adults are overweight
  • 382 million people live with diabetes
  • 83 million people have heart disease
  • 80% of all chronic disease and premature death is preventable with healthy living
  • Clean eating is key.

That’s right It’s time to take back our kitchens and commit to making healthy food choices for ourselves and our families

Sources. World Health Organization, International Diabetes Federation, Centers for Disease Control