Education and prevention are two very important beliefs for Dr. Provo, so when Angela from Central Heights Preschool contacted our office to see if we would be able to assist them in any way with their Health week, we immediately volunteered to come down to visit with the children! It is never too early to teach the ideologies of why brushing and flossing your teeth should be a regular lifelong habit.
Armed with toothbrushes, stickers, colouring pages, posters and enthusiasm, Team NOVO set off to visit the preschool. Capturing the imagination of 3 and 4 year old children can be a daunting task at times but fortunately for us, Yvonne our talented office manager, wrote a children’s storybook a few years ago called, “Sherman the Sugar Bug”. The story tells how Sherman who loves to eat sugar accidentally finds himself eaten by a little boy, named Zachary. Because Sherman is not a very clever little fella he doesn’t know when to stop eating and soon Zachary’s tooth begins to ache, necessitating Zachary’s mom to take him to the dentist to help get Sherman to move out. The rest of the story explains the process how the dentist and his assistant put Sherman to sleep to make him easier to catch and remove him from Zachary’s mouth!
Following the story Dr. Provo demonstrated brushing skills explaining the importance of good oral hygiene and allowed the children to practice on a tooth model called “Dexter”.
The visit ended with the children dancing and singing along to “Hey Sherman”, a song that tells Sherman he cannot hide in their mouth because they will be brushing and flossing him away. To facilitate their success Dr. Provo very generously provided each child with a copy of “Sherman the Sugar Bug” book and a new toothbrush, as well as donating a copy of the book and sing-along CD to the preschool!
There are now 65 new “Shermanators” loose in Abbotsford so Sherman you better watch out because these highly motivated youngsters do not want you snacking on their teeth!!!
If you would like Sherman to visit your preschool or class please give our office a call.